Friday, December 23, 2016

How To Sit Still In Very Cold Water

Dear K,

These are the instructions you need for sitting in cold water.

1. Take off your clothes, they're not going to help you. Your mind will trick you into thinking your clothes will help, will hold the heat inside somehow. The water's already in there, next to your skin. Your clothes will not help you.

2. Put your head under the water. The shock will force the air out from your lungs. This is important. You didn't need that breath anyway. Surface. Take another breath.

3. Put your head under the water again. Keep doing this.

4. Realize that you are the master of the cold. The cold is a trick. It is a dare. It makes you uncomfortable. It makes you feel weak and tired. Remember that you are not weak. Remember that you are not tired.

5. Stay awake. Stay moving. Stay strong and conquerous. You are the master of your body. It does what you want when you want it. Remember this. Hold your hand to the ice fire. Hold it in the water. Your ego will tell you that you are weak. That this is pain.  That this is not good. That we just can't do this anymore. That we have nothing left to give.

6. Eventually get out of the cold water.

7. Sit next to a fire. Or better yet get in hot water, like a hot springs or a hot tub or a hot bath.

8. Drink hot chocolate.

9. Laugh at how you didn't think you could sit in the cold water.



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